October 19, 2020 - It's Finally Here

What's New (Spoilers Below)

  • Some new enemy sprites
  • Fixed bugs
  • 2 Diverging paths with vastly different gameplay (discussed further below)
  • Modified the internal game structure to make further additions faster and simpler

Diverging Paths

     Hello guys, I am happy to submit to you 2 new diverging paths that add a ton of lore to the game. There is a catch though, the lore is interwoven between the two paths and you can't get all of the lore from just one path. The two paths diverge at the new area, which has been hinted at before. Simply put, order is key. I will call the first path Path Aster. That path continues the current game mechanics. Path Elissa introduces a new feature to the game. That feature isn't quite done yet so it wasn't included in the build, but I still put the cutscenes in that way you can experience them now. The cutscenes have carefully picked music (especially Path Aster) and are best read with the sound on for at least one loop of the music. There is a lot of text and the sounds can be distracting while reading because the loops aren't perfect. I recommend playing through both paths if you are interested in figuring out the lore before I reveal it in each individual path. Otherwise, I would pick one and go.

Plans for the Future

     So, I am going to be moving this game to the back burner for a bit because I am really burnt out right now.  I just need a break. I am going to finish the new feature for the Elissa Path at some point. It only requires a few changes to things and some loops. It might take me a few weeks to actually cement the loops though. I plan on unifying and automating the sound stuff to make that easier, and I am going to try to automate changes to the save file system. That seems like it will be the hardest and it probably won't work. If I do end up modifying the save system I will release a program with the next update that will convert old saves into the new format.

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Welp, I just found a bizarre bug. It appears when you go to your inventory after entering the library in the town next to the cave. I will upload a patch to it when I get home. I have no idea what is causing it, but my best idea is that I forgot to include an item when I was making the update. Oops.

I fixed it.